Superlative Speech Project Due: B-day Thurs Aug 31 and A-day Fri Sept 1

Choose a superlative in which you would like to be known for

Class President: Academics importance, future educational/career goals, changes you’d make around school that would benefit your student body

Most Athletic-list the different sports you participate in, athletic accomplishments, philosophy of student-athlete,

Most Philanthropic- what being a philanthropist means to you, how do you currently give back to your community, create your own charity and explain its purpose

Most Likely to Succeed-what defines a successful person, current educational awards, future occupational goals,

Mr/Ms. Noble Peace Prize- philosophy of equality, list a np winner you admire and why, list a current event that you would change to ensure it would be peace/equality around the world

*Must speak for 1min and make this a persuasive speech (like a presidential election)

*You may add to your speech to meet 1 min minimum


40 pts

Delivery: Eye contact (eyes not glued to index cards, projecting voice, great presenting posture, tone (not monotone)

Criteria: Must include everything listed under category in your speech

Timing: 1min min 2 min max

Creativity: Bring in some kind of prop in relation to your speech (Example: certificate, jersey, trophy, create a mock noble peace price, etc) BE CREATIVE!

Syllabus Agreement Homework

Please print out the LAST page of the syllabus and sign and return. This is due A-day Friday, August 18. For B-day, this is due Monday, August 21st. This will be the 1st grade in the grade book, so please make sure that we turn in this assignment!!!

Extra Credit

All extra credit for all classes will be due by Aug 25th in your student’s respective classes. Please view the class wish list in the syllabus and bring an item in.


Mrs. Sneed-McQueen