College athletes scavenger hunt

  1. Which sport generates the most revenue for college (businessinsider oct 20)?
  2. What sports give full scholarships? List the 4. (USNews)
  3. How much is the average athletic scholarship worth (usnews2010)
  4. What college makes the most money from athletics? (businessinsider)
  5. How much was the total revenue? (businessinsider)
  6. What types of sacrifices do college athletes make (livehealthy)
  7. How many hours of training do college athletes spend a week (businessinsider)
  8. What percent of college athletes come from low income homes (sporting news)
  9. How much was the average out of pocket expenses for each full scholarship athlete (espn)
  10. List 5 pros and cons of athletes getting paid



Please note that #4/5 are from the same site and the answer is not University of Texas. Please make sure that you use the most recent business insider site (top 25)